In Mór Ifjúsági Nomád Klub recently orgazined a Via Ferrata sport activity on the 26th of October 2023. The event brought together several enthusiastic people from all over Hungary.
Our participants were unspeakably lucky. The weather was just amazing, the sun was shining spiced with a light wind.
On that note it was a magnificent autumn day for spending time outside.
As the participants excitedly were preparing for the adventure, they learned important safety tips from expert guides. The guides stressed the need to correctly use harnesses, helmets, and other safety equipment, making sure that everyone was well-prepared for the climb.
Safety was a top priority, ensuring a fun and secure adventure for all.
During the activity the guides shared important tips with the participants about what to do if accidents or emergencies happened. They covered basic safety rules in Via Ferrata, communication signals and basic first aid techniques, giving the adventurers important knowledge that could help saving lives in tough situations.
E29, a dedicated organization providing Erasmus+ initiatives for young individuals, focuses on uniting and bringing people together. Take the opportunity to participate in something significant.
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