My name is Zoli, I’m 23 y.o. student and a volunteer. My first project was a youth exchange just after I finished my high school studies. I was very affraid to attend it as it was so unknown to me I didn’t know what to expect. Just 3 years after that I attended and volunteered in multiple youth exchanges and trainings.
I was brought in by my classmate Karina – also has a great story uploaded on the website – as she was already travelling and volunteering during our high school years. I was always „a little bit“ jealous of her for travelling so much and meeting many great people from all around Europe. When I had the chance to live her life, I took it immediately. My first project was in Portugal and since then I was in many more projects in Portugal and other countries as well. Due to projects I started to learn Portuguese, now that’s my love towards that country and culture! :)
I think it’s pretty usual to have people being affraid of stepping out of their comfort zone, but I think that once the first brave step is done, then the whole world changes forever. I always encourage people for any Erasmus programme, either via an NGO for Youth Exchange, Trainings etc. or via university studies. I want others to experience what I experienced, because it changed my life.