I am Minja, an 18 year old girl from Serbia. In Serbia, we always say that the first time you try something it’s the “Baptism of fire“. It presents the combination of the fear of the unknown and all the things that can go wrong. That’s how I felt about Erasmus+ before I actually realised what it was really about. My expectations were nothing like the picture! The Youth Exhcange„Disconnected“ in Kerecsend, Hungary in July 2022. was my first and still the one project I cherish dearly in my heart.

Stepping out of my comfort zone and into a new country, surrounded by people I had never met before, was indeed challenging. But from the moment I arrived in Kerecsend, I felt a warm and welcoming atmosphere that quickly put my fears to rest. The diverse group of participants from various European countries made me realize that this project was about breaking boundaries, fostering understanding, and connecting with people from different backgrounds.

After my first extraordinary experience, I knew I wanted to do more and contribute to other young people’s experiences in the future, so I started volunteering and facilitating. Each YE has a special significance for me and continues to make my life better in so many different ways. The most remarkable aspect of Erasmus+ is the bond that forms among people, and I’d be crazy to say I haven’t met some of my most loving and caring friends exactly on Erasmus!

When I get asked in Erasmus if I have any siblings I say yes, one at home and one right here beside me! Noemi Gecso is a Hungarian girl I met not that long ago, but right away we realized that we share a special bond. We’re not sisters by birth, but by choice. She is my person, and thanks to E29, I cannot imagine my life without her!

There’s also a guy who once told me “I know babygirl, life sometimes just isn’t fair.“, his point being that even though you gain so many valuable friendships during projects, you feel like you lose most of them when you go back home. It was Adamukas, my favorite Swifty whom I met more than a year ago, and to this day always tells me to text him when I’m in Budapest!

Erasmus is filled with joy, love, tears, smiles and hugs… and at the end of the day, we’re all just one big family. Thank you E29, for taking me into your wonderful world and letting me be a part of this wonderful journey!