Video Recap of Lights, Camera, Action!


Digital Skills

Activity Dates



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Labanoras, Lituania

Our Project

The Lights, Camera, Action! youth exchange began with a dynamic atmosphere, marking the start of an impactful journey into videography and cultural exchange. Participants from six countries – Lithuania, Portugal, Czechia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia – came together to discuss and share their enthusiasm for the given topic. This took place from the 8th to the 17th of September in the picturesque town of Labanoras, Lithuania. During this time, participants were given a unique opportunity to enhance their skills in film making and everything that goes into that, and many more vibrant activities.

Lifelong connections

The first days set the project of with joy filled energizers and intriguing icebreakers which opened up new bonding opportunities. Beyond film making Lights, Camera, Action! fostered lasting friendships beyond borders. Participants not only expanded their set off technical skills but also managed to make many connections with like – minded individuals from across Europe.

Hands on workshops

Teams were divided mixing participants from different countries. As they worked together on their short films, they exchanged perspectives, shared their unique stories, and collaborated to weave these elements in to their projects. The result: a collection of short films and other digital content that demonstrated creative and technical growth. These films told stories of shared challenges, dreams, and human experiences from variety lenses, each project a testament to the power of collaboration.

As the week progressed, participants dove in to the making off their final films. With their old and newly enquired skills of filming and editing the participants were better equipped than ever to take up this challenging yet terrific task.

Showcasing of the final films

The exchange ended with Oscar night, where participants proudly showcased their completed short films to each other. The room buzzed with excitement, while each peace was met with giggles, applause, or even hearty laughter. This showed not only the creativity on display but also the hard work and dedication behind every shot in cut.

For many participants, this screening marked their first time seeing their work projected on a bigger than a computer screen – a truly magical moment and a wonderful way to conclude the exchange.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.