
The digital transformation is creating numerous opportunities in the field of non-formal education. Nevertheless, certain youth workers are afraid and skeptical about embracing the latest digital technologies. This represents a missed opportunity for youth work, which could otherwise be implemented in a far more efficient manner.

The Cool Collaboration II project aims to counter this resistance to digital transformation, striving to make youth work more digitalized, innovative, and efficient. This training course is designed to enhance the digital competencies of young individuals aspiring to contribute to the field of youth work. More specifically, it will broaden the skills of participants in Microsoft 365 and instruct them on the use of Power Apps tools.

By showcasing the significance of digital education, our objective is to instill a positive attitude in young individuals toward the digitalization of youth work, making them more open-minded and willing to embrace the latest available digital technologies. This will equip participants to be more prepared to address digital transformation and to work more efficiently and innovatively.

Training Details


Participants in this training must fulfill certain preparatory tasks before the start of the mobility:

  1. Completion of a baseline survey designed to assess digital skills:
    The aim is to measure the extent to which participants have developed digital competencies through their involvement in this project and to understand how it has contributed to fostering a more positive mindset towards the digitalization of youth work.
  2. Watch this Power Apps video course to get familiar with the Power Apps platform.



During the training course, we will focus on enhancing digital competencies and fostering a positive mindset towards digitalizing youth work. In the sessions, we will address individual digital skill needs while promoting the application of technology in youth work. Moreover, members of the partner organizations will exchange digital tools and best practices while exploring new digital opportunities and discussing ways to raise their productivity. The training will extend its impact by raising community awareness about the significance of digital education and the practicality of digital skills in various aspects of life. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on hands-on skill development and the utilization of Microsoft 365 and Power Apps for effective project management and collaboration in the field of youth work.


After the training, participants must be involved in some follow-up tasks such as:

  1. Disseminate the project results to other groups of people, e.g. presenting the activity at an educative institution; arranging a conference call; sending links with project materials; sharing experience; brainstorming about new initiatives and projects; establishing partnerships for future Erasmus+ projects; etc.
  2. Prepare a workshop (together with team members) dedicated to sharing the gained digital skills and knowledge on project management and collaboration tools.
  3. Complete a follow-up survey to assess the extent to which the project has achieved the desired results.

Participant Overview

  • Resides in one of the following countries: Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, or Czechia.
  • Is aged 18 or older.
  • Has at least a conversational English level.
  • Has the ambition to develop digital competencies and to work more efficiently.
  • Is an active youth worker or is interested in becoming one.
  • Has the availability to attend the entire training program and complete the preparatory tasks.
  • Is not currently receiving any funds from the European Union (e.g., participating in an Erasmus exchange program within the University).
  • Expresses a willingness to disseminate the training and its results to other groups of young people.
  • Demonstrates a desire to engage in future non-formal education activities.

Selection Criteria

We are seeking participants who fulfill the mentioned criteria. We aim to curate a gender-balanced group, with representation from youth workers in partner NGOs, and the integration of new participants eager to elevate their digital competencies for future projects. If you’re motivated to be part of this transformative experience, we encourage you to apply soon, given the limited available spots.



We will stay in double bedrooms at the Hotel Benczur, in Budapest.
A dedicated session room will be available for our use during training sessions.
Participants in this training will receive three meals daily – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – along with one coffee break.

Useful Information

  • Participation costs: There are no participation costs. Both travel, accommodation, and food are funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
    However, to avoid last-minute cancelations, participants who are selected will need to pay a 50€ deposit to confirm their participation.
    This is to avoid last-minute cancelations and to cover possible damages caused by the participants on the accommodation. The money is sent back after the activity.
  • Travel: The 27th of February and the 3rd of March will be the travel days.
    The Portuguese team will travel by plane, while other teams will use bus, train, or shared car transportation.
    Once participants are selected, project coordinators will collaborate on a travel plan.
    Participants can either purchase their own tickets and submit digital copies for reimbursement or request the project coordinators to make the purchase on their behalf.
  • Health & Insurance: We do not arrange insurance for our participants. If desired, the participants must arrange insurance for themselves.
    However, we ask all the participants to bring with them their European Health Insurance Cards, so they can use if they need medical attention.
  • What to bring: Identification Card; Laptop; Towel; Some Hungarian currency or Revolut card; Comfortable and enough clothes for the days of the activity.
  • Terms & Conditions: Refer to for detailed terms and conditions.
  • Q&A: Have doubts? Feel free to reach us from our social media channels.
  • Note: We made some changes to our application portal.
    Even if you already created an account, you might need to click “Sign up now”, validate your email, and create a password.
    All your previous data will be synchronized through your email address.

Curious about Cool Collaboration (part 1)? Find more here:

Erasmus+ 2022 Good Practices Award



How to Take Part?

Sign in to your account or if you don’t have one sign up now and apply.

Deadline to apply: 14.02.2024

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.